What is family Joy? Joy is different than happiness. Happiness often refers to a feeling of well-being, good cheer, merriment, pleasure, and satisfaction. Joy, especially inner joy, goes much deeper. More than the sudden joy of a pleasurable turn of events, it can be an inner bubbling that accompanies all activities.
Joy arises from within rather than from an outer source. Joy shows a capacity for patience and persistence of a positive attitude in the face of adversity. We experience a deep joy, when we share our compassion for others. It is a desire to benefit life itself rather than any one particular individual. It is often helpful to honor the joy that we experience in the family. It takes time to grow and develop.
Children are a joy when we discover the special realities and share the wonder and freshness with they view the world.
A deeper joy may be experienced in the sharing of positive moments and the fulfillment of meeting the routine challenges of daily life.
At the deepest level, a powerful unity is realized in meeting family and community crises together. It is not necessarily wining or conquering, but the intense reward that comes from discovering the strength and closeness within your family and with your friends.
When we experience all three sources of joy our lives become more deeply enriched and fulfilled. Take time to notice your joy and share it with others.